Friday, February 25, 2011


What's life without a little bit of drama? The latest is that Sarah's surgery team has been somewhat unsure whether to proceed with the surgery due to her Strep throat. We received the "go ahead" today from the anesthesia team who make the final decision. Unless Sarah has a productive cough, cold, or is not back to baseline they will proceed with the surgery. They feel good that Sarah will have finished her antibiotic prior to the surgery. Sarah is feeling much better; however, does have a little cough and runny nose. Her spirits are good and she is almost back at her baseline. In an attempt to nip this all in the bud Sarah will be spending the next few days at Mimi and Papa's house. Jason and Mommy are sick with colds and we feel the house is "contaminated". It has been a very stressful week here at our house! We hope the next few days give us time to build health and strength for us all. Again we are so thankful for every ones support...and especially to Mimi and Papa for taking Sarah! We will miss her :(

1 comment:

Matt R said...

Hope everyone is feeling a little better! I'll be thinking about you all tomorrow.