Our morning started out well and Sarah did a little coloring while she waited for Daddy and Jason to come visit. I knew she was feeling a little better when I could hear her singing quietly to kids bopz while she colored. She was missing Jason so much and just the fact that she knew he was on the way lifted her spirits. Sarah enjoyed Jays company so much! She soon got tired and needed a nap. Mommy and Sarah napped together while Daddy and Jason spent some time in the playroom.
We have been so lucky have the same day nurse two days in a row. Nurse Linda really was patient with Sarah and made sure that she had just what she needed. Nurse Linda was really invested in Sarah's recovery and we were so appreciative of this. So after all the discharge paperwork was ready we packed up a go cart with our stuff and the kids and headed to the car. Of course we got out in just enough time to enjoy lots of rush hour traffic.
Sarah has already showed some difficulty in taking her medicine but I don't blame her she's been through so much. Mimi helped her to take the last few drops of her medicine when Mimi and Papa came to pick Jason up. Jason is going to spend another night with them so that we can give Sarah what she needs. Sarah is now resting all snug on the couch watching a little TV. She does have some pain which may be due to her being more busy today. We will encourage her to rest and continue to take her medication so that the pain does not creep up on her. Sarah will be sleeping with Mommy for the next few nights.
Thank you all for your love and support. We will continue to update her recovery.
Yay! So happy for all of you:) please let us know if you need anything. We are just a phone call away:)
That was the Warchal Family by the way:)
So happy she is doing well...and can i just say that is the coolest cart ever!!!
So glad that Sarah is home!! Love the sibling love between them! :-)
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