Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Surgery Complete

Dr. Meara just came out to let us know the surgery is now complete. He informed us that the two largest gaps in Sarah's skull were very large. He told us that one was 9cm x 4cm and the other 11cm by 4cm. With that being said he also told us that he was able to harvest alot of "good bone" from the back of her skull to cover these gaps. He couldn't say with certainty how much of this bone would "set" and hoped to get at least 80-90% set. There is a chance that after healing it may not cover as much as needed and more cranioplasty would need to be done. Everyone pray for 80-90% please!!!! He was unsure if she needed a blood transfusion as the anesthesiologist does that part. Dr. Meara thinks she will be here at least 3 days, more swelling is an issue. She has a drain placed to drain off access fluid and will where a head dressing for a few days. Dr. Meara was very pleased with how the surgery went and is very hopeful. He thinks that this was a necessary surgery especially due to the size of the gaps in her skull which appeared to be larger than originally thought. He told us we will be able to see Sarah in about a half hour. 


Lauren, Ariel and Micah said...

Been following this all morning - so glad everything went well. Lots of hugs and kisses to Miss Sarah from us!

Lauren said...

Thanks for all the updates Jill. So glad the surgery is done. Lots of love to you guys and Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these updates. All our love and thoughts are with you.
Hope everything just gets better and better. Mimi and Papa

Unknown said...

So glad to hear. I will continue to keep ur fam in my thoughts & prayers. Would like to come 4 a visit when sarah is feeling up 2 it. we'll bring the cupcakes! please lmk if u need anything in meantime. love u.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you for posting Jill. There are a lot of us with you all day and it's soo good to know things are going as planned. xxxxoooo

Unknown said...

So glad the surgery is over. Praying for everything to be alright.

Unknown said...

So glad the surgery is over. Praying for everything to be alright.

Unknown said...

So glad the surgery is over. Praying for everything to be alright.